Welcome to
The Pampurred Puss,
A Cat’s Bed and Breakfast
The place in Western Massachusetts to board your special feline. Our luxurious indoor/outdoor facility and experienced, personalized care offer your cat, and you, peace of mind when boarding is necessary.
● Cat Only Boarding
● Established in 1999
● Luxurious surroundings
● Experienced Staff
Reservations cannot be made online.
Please telephone us for more information.
A Bed and Breakfast for Cats
Located in the Pioneer Valley of Western Massachusetts, The Pampurred Puss is the ideal inn for your feline friends.
Our beautiful cat-only facility has amenities not available at any other local boarding facility. Our large 4’ x 3’ x 3’ pens open into a 13’ x 13’ common room. Our guests are allowed in this common area for at least one hour a day for exercise and a change of scenery. Of course, only one family at a time occupies the common room.
Our HVAC system utilizes an air exchange unit and an air sanitizer for excellent air quality.
The pens, and the bedding we use in them, are always washed and disinfected between guests.
For the benefits of our guests, The Pampurred Puss serves owner-provided food. Additionally, we use filtered water for our guests and treat them to organic catnip grown right here in our own gardens. Contact us if you require further details.
Speaking of the great outdoors..we also have open-air enclosures for your outside felines!

Cat Trivia
● Cats love to nap. They average 16 hours of sleep per day. A seven-year-old cat has only been awake for two years of its life.
● Cats spend 30% of their waking hours bathing themselves.
● Cats can see six times better than we can in the dark.
● Never give your cat a ball of yarn to play with. It can cause life-threatening problems if swallowed.
● A cat's eye pupil will dilate wildly when he or she is angered, afraid, or aggressive.
● Almost all orange and black cats or orange, black, and white cats will be females, known as torties or calicos. These colors are genetic to females. Males with these colors are usually sterile.
● Overweight and obese cats who only eat dry food are more likely to get diabetes or hyperthyroidism than cats of average weight when they get older.
● An unspayed female cat, her mate, and all of their offspring, producing two litters a year, with 2.8 surviving kittens per litter, can total in nine (9) years, more than 11,000,000 (eleven million) cats.

Reservations cannot be made online.
Please telephone us for more information.